Foraging for Fiddleheads

The spring brings with it many delicious finds. Fiddleheads are the young unfurled plants of the ostrich fern, which are packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and phosphorus. They can be found near water in open areas with sun exposure.

Preparation: After cleaning the fiddleheads, place them in a pot of boiling water with a generous amount of salt. Boil for 7-10 minutes.

Saute in garlic, olive oil or butter, adding fresh herbs, more salt, and pepper. They have some bitterness associated with them so serving with some aioli, or cooking in bacon grease can help mellow out the flavor. I like the taste of them which reminds me that I am eating a food that is directly from nature, as opposed to most of our vegetables which are naturally selected to be sweeter, juicier and with higher carbohydrate content.

Best served alongside wild caught salmon and sautéed mushrooms!

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