Sleep Like a Rock Star

You’ve completed the full liver detox, expensive visits to the naturopathic doctor, you’ve gone to a therapist to address trauma, you’ve even gone to yoga and meditation classes to enhance your breathing. You’ve changed your diet, exercise routine, even bought a new mattress and a more comfortable pillow. All of that seems useless because you still lay awake at night trying to sleep! Could it be stress? Maybe it isn’t you that is the problem, could it actually be your environment?

We live in a chaotic world, truly a rat race. It is no surprise that when it comes time to wind down and go to bed after juggling career, a family, after school activities, keeping plants alive, eating healthy and exercising moderately, something won’t let our hamster wheel stop spinning. It may not be you that is the problem but you are the one who needs to work out a solution in order to keep up with this fast paced life. In ancestral times, we lived in rhythm with the biological changes of the earth. When the sun disappeared over the horizon, we didn’t look at bright lights into the evening helping kids complete homework, putting them to bed, checking emails, watching netflix, and doing housework, Quite honestly, our biology has been hijacked by the environment we exist in.

Creating boudaries is an important step to getting your biology back on track. Maybe you need to continue working or caring for your family after sunset but you can do so in a space that is a sanctuary for rest and relaxation. We aren’t meant to look at screens with blue light throughout the evening. By shifting our lighting to a red tint, we can immitate looking at firelight in the evening. Buying a pair of blue blocking glasses is a great way to protect your natural production of melatonin. Download Iris software on your computer in order to modify the frequencies of light that come through.

We are exposing our DNA to massive amounts of radiation per day. The little manual that came with your iphone actually says never to hold the device up to your head. The FCC’s biological evaluation for radiation risk only classifies excess exposure as enough radiation to literally microwave you. Non native EMF exposure damages the DNA in our microbiome, which is what keeps our entire system in balance. 

We are electrical beings. Chinese medical practitioners have studied this phenomenon for thousands of years, as the body follows an electrical current mapped out on the body in the form of meridians, which begin at acupuncture points with low electrical resistance and continue through a pathway into the internal organs. The heart has an electromagnetic field of about 6 feet, while the brain has a similar field. There is a reason that you get a feeling when someone is watching you; you can literally feel another person’s energy without touching them.  Our electromagnetic fields can be strongly impacted by the radiation around us.

Think about the last time you went camping in a remote area without cell service and slept under the stars. Did you sleep well away from the distractions of your phone as well as the interference from towers?    

The concept of protecting biological forms of life from radiation is a fariday cage; a metal box in which our fields are shielded from those frequencies. Since we can’t live in a metal box at all times, the most important consideration is to protect your body from it while you are at rest.

Turning off the wi-fi router and flipping off the circuits attached to your room is a great start. The dirty electricity produced throughout the house can be disturbing to your sleep, and wifi creates a frequency that is harmful to our biology.

 I recently bought a Dream Canopy which surrounds the bed with a fine mesh to protect from harmful radiation. It is amazing how deeply I sleep while inside of my canopy! Waking up at night and going back to sleep easily isn’t much of a problem for me. The best part is that I actually recover at night so that when I have to confront technology throughout the day, my feelings of anxiety and tension are diminished. 

We live in a society, where there is increasing pressure to continue to stay connected. Employers often want their employees to respond to emails within the hour, virtual meetings are becoming a new normal, and instant “connection” to friends and family is a reality through many avenues. Now is more important than ever to protect our biology from harmful radiation, setting boundaries for our technology and implementing the necessary protocols to shield ourselves from it. It is advisable to keep your phone at least three feet from your body whenever possible, utilize airplane mode (with bluetooth and wifi shutoff) when your phone is close to you, use a DefenderShield® when it is inside of your pocket, and opt for hardwiring (plugging in ethernet cables, auxiliary devices) as opposed to using bluetooth and wifi. Just reducing the amount of signals coming from your device will bring your body some harmony.

Electromagnetic radiation also interferes with our volted gated calcium channels in the cell membrane, causing an influx in calcium into the cells. This leads to cell damage and cell death from oxidative stress that cause free radical damage. For this reason it is very helpful to have a magnesium glycinate supplement on board to balance the levels of calcium in our system. Additionally EMF’s deplete our natural levels of melatonin, similar to the way our circadian rhythms can be interrupted by light exposure. It is beneficial to limit your exposure to and use of technology after sunset, and supplement with tart cherry juice which contains natural levels of melatonin. Another helpful supplement, Nicotinamide with Resveratrol helps to support DNA repair and protect the body from nerve cell damage.

Acupressure, tapping, yoga, qigong, and meditation can all be helpful for improving sleep. The acupressure point Heart-7, which is on the ulnar side of the wrist crease just beside the tendon is something that helps me to turn off my brain at night. Yintang or the third eye point can be tapped to promote calm. Or better yet, get an insomnia ear seeds kit from to apply your own ear acupressure points for better rest.

We cant change our environment, but we can protect ourselves from DNA damage by being selective about what inputs come through. By shielding your body, limiting your exposure to non native EMF and harmful spectrums of light, and tonifying your immune system through self care strategies, you are protecting your electrical voltage and cell function so that you can truly sleep like a rock star!

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